Relationships and Sex Education

Pupils and teacher outside

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

What is RSE? Sex and relationships education (RSE) is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health.

Why is RSE important? RSE equips students with the information, skills and values to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships and to take responsibility for their sexual health and well-being. It should help students to learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.

At St. Andrew, we deliver RSE through PHSE lessons, Assemblies, Tutor Time and lesson time. External visitors may visit to deliver specific topics and facilitate discussions. We encourage students and teachers to share and respect each other’s views and generate an atmosphere where questions and discussion on sexual matters can take place without any stigma or embarrassment. 

What questions might a Key Stage 3 student have about Relationships and Sex?

This link is very useful for parents of 11 to 13 Year olds. At this age most young people will be entering puberty and will be interested in hormones, how they will be affected by them, the menstrual cycle, wet dreams, erections, fertility, pregnancy - how it can be avoided, and safer sex. They may also be wondering if their physical development is 'normal'. They will want to know about the difference between sexual attraction and love and whether it is normal to be attracted or in love with someone of the same gender. Young people will be asking questions about relationships, when is the right time to have sex, how to avoid pressure and where they can get more information if they need it, including the best websites, confidential services etc. 

If you would like to comment on any aspect of RSE at St Andrew the Apostle, please use our RSE Feedback Form

Years 10 & 11

RSE continues to build on the subjects covered in earlier years, we focus on making positive and healthy lifestyle choices and on improving personal health and emotional wellbeing. Students are given information on access to services and where to go for confidential advice. We will invite external organisations for in-depth assemblies and workshops. 

Year 10

Students will discuss changing relationships, with a focus on sexual relationships and knowing when you are ready. Students will discuss the signs of both healthy and abusive relationships. Students will learn how to identify signs of an abusive relationship and where to seek advice and guidance. Students will also consider the strategies for handling break ups. Students will increase their knowledge of the law and sexual offences, which will include child sexual exploitation and revenge pornography. Students will learn first-hand from teenage parents, the impact of having a baby in your teens.

RSE Topics: Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; E-Safety; Pornography; Safe Sex; HIV/AIDS; Teenage Pregnancy.

Year 11

Students will further develop their knowledge of pregnancy, options and parenthood. Students will be taught about self examination and cancer identifications. There will a further opportunity for students to develop their knowledge of domestic violence, which will include information on seeking help. Students will also discuss the implication and laws surrounding forced marriage. Students will receive guidance on how to access sexual health and support services including overcoming possible barriers to access. 

RSE Topics: Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; Parenting; Abortion; Forced Marriage; Cancer and self examination.


We recognise that Parents are the key people in teaching their children about sex, relationships and growing up. You may find the following resources helpful when talking to your children about the topics they have covered.