Year 7 — French

Module 1: La rentrée

To get pupils introducing and talking about themselves. This module also covers any content that pupils might have done in KS2 (numbers, days and months, alphabet, etc.) and introduces pupils to key French sounds which are revisited throughout the year in pronunciation features.

This first assessment will be used as a baseline assessment to further refine sets. Set changes will happen following this assessment, to best suit students' needs and abilities.



Je m'appelle

My name is

Comment vas-tu?

How are you?

Comment ca s'écrit?

How do you spell it?

Quelle est la date ?

What is the date?

Un - Trente-et-un


Il y a

There is


I have

Je n'ai pas de

I don't have a


I love

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

In term 1, we are introducing the concept of life in a foreign country. A lot of students would have either first-hand experience or experience in their family of living or growing up abroad. French brings a common ground between all students.

Create a supportive community:

French is a new subject for all students, which means they are all more likely to work collaboratively and to support each other without fear of appearing to know less than other students.

Module 2: En classe

To continue to develop what pupils can say about themselves and their use of verbs. To allow pupils to express and justify their opinions using a range of opinion verbs. Also an opportunity for pupils to learn about schools in

France as well as about Christmas in Francophone countries to coincide with the end of the autumn term.

Three skills are tested in this assessment: Listening, Reading, Writing. Students be further introduced to preparing the paragraph for their Writing prior to the exam: they will develop skills of preparing a script, reviewing based on advice and memorising for the assessment. Grades Bronze to Gold.

Les yeux

The eyes

Les cheveux

The hair

Tu as

You have

Il a / elle a

He has / she has

Je suis / Je ne suis pas

I am / I am not


It is









  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Students will be given the opportunity to put themselves first and to describe themselves - personality and centers of interests. They will also be able to engage in conversation and use the third person to describe their friends and family as well as their role models and people their admire in the world of sports.

Create a supportive community:

Students will reflect on their own selves and others, which helps them become more aware of others within their community and further.

Module 3: Mon temps libre

To continue to develop what pupils can say about themselves and their use of verbs and adjectives. To allow pupils to express more opinions. More key French sounds are introduced. Pupils also have the opportunity to learn about different sports in Francophone countries.

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Translation

Translation will be formally assessed for the first time. Students will be expected to translate sentences, ranging from simple to slightly longer.

For the Speaking assessment, students will prepare their answers to 4 questions prior to the exam, then have the opportunity to review the and practice them thoroughly, before being assessed on their pronunciation, fluency and ability to expand.

Mes matières

My school subjects

Quelle heure est-il?

What time is it?

L'emploi du temps

The timetable

Pourquoi ?


Parce que


Qu'est-ce que tu manges ?

What do you eat?

Beaucoup (de)

A lot (of)



On étudie neuf matières

We study nine subjects


Too/ Also

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Cultural opportunity to discover school life in France and French speaking countries. Numeracy: learning to tell the time in French.

Create a supportive community:

Students will come together to describe their experience of school life, school subjects and life around school.

Module 4: Ma vie de famille

To expand pupils’ use of verbs into the 3rd person singular and plural and 1st person plural forms. Pupils learn about home-life in Francophone countries as well as about Bastille Day celebrations.

Students are tested on their Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation skills. The content covers the current module of work, as well as prior knowledge.

Qu'est-ce que tu fais...?

What do you do ...?

Je joue au/ à la/ aux

I play (+ sports)

En été / en hiver

In summer / in winter

Quand il fait beau

When the weather is nice

Le soir/ le week-end

In the evening / at the weekends

Je fais du/ de la/ des

I do (+activity)

Deux fois par semaine

Twice a week

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire ?

What do you like doing?

J'envoie des e-mails

I send emails

De temps en temps

From time to time

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

We will focus greatly on Literacy, with verb forms at the present tense. This will encourage students to reflect on languages, other than English, that they are familiar with, and to make connections between these languages and French. Quite often, this is a very useful exercise, which develops and deepens their understanding of French.

Create a supportive community:

Students enjoy discussing their hobbies with their peers, as well as discovering activities they haven't thought of trying before. This unit will also give us the opportunity to talk about online safety, which is crucial among young people.

Module 5: En ville

To give pupils the opportunity to learn transactional language (in a café) and introduce the verb aller ahead of teaching the near future tense. Pupils learn about popular French snacks and drinks, and they also have the opportunity to explore Paris.

Students will be assessed on three skills: Listening, Reading, Writing. The assessment will include the content of the unit, as well as elements of study from the beginning of year 7.

Au parc d'attractions

At the theme park



Dans ma ville

In my town

Il y a / Il n'y a pas de

There is/ are / There isn't/ aren't

Je veux aller

I want to go

Là où j'habite

Where I live





Où est ...? / Où sont ...?

Where is...? / Where are...?

Tu veux aller ... ?

Do you want to go ...?

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Asking for and giving directions: this is a relevant skill to have, both at home and abroad. Promoting exercise and free-time activities: as part of a healthy lifestyle, students' awareness will be brought on the variety of activities that are available to them, at home at school and in the community.

Create a supportive community:

We will learn to give and follow direction in collaborative contexts and games. Students will need to encourage and rely on each other to ensure learning in taking place. We will talk about free-time activities in first and third persons, to encourage communication and discussion between students, in French.

Module 6: 3… 2… 1 Partez!

This unit is all about holidays: before (getting ready), during, and future holiday plans. Pupils will discover a range of verb tenses: future, conditional and more on the present, with reflexive verbs.

After this unit, we will work on cross-curricular topics: animals, poetry and art.

The end of year assessment will cover all the content students have studied in the course of the year, with the ability to achieve Grade 2.

Combien (de)

How much / how many

J'ai faim et j'ai soif

I am hungry and thirsty

Je me prépare

I get myself ready

Je vais + infinitive

I am going to + verb

Je voudrais

I would like

Les vacances en famille

Family holidays

Nous faisons de la rando

We go hiking

Quarante - Cent

40 - 100



Vous désirez?

What would you like?

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Literacy: the near future tense and the conditional tense are introduced in this unit. Verb tenses are crucial for students to develop their knowledge of French, once they are familiar with sentence-building and applying simple adjectival endings. Geography: the topic of holidays is ideal to develop students' understanding of life and experiences in other countries. Numeracy: Prices in Euros.

Create a supportive community:

Students will share experiences of holidays and work collaboratively on a (fake) French café.

New time: New title

New Description

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

New time: New title

New Description

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: